Diana Coronado was born in Mexico City in 1976 and grew up in Cuernavaca (Mexico). She has lived in Boston and Boulder (USA), Tokyo (Japan), Vienna (Austria) and Hong Kong (China). She has published four books with Editorial Edelvives: Emilia y el mar (2014), an illustrated album for kids, La revelación de los reinos (2015), a scientific novel for kids, and two novels for young adults, Luz en el claustro (2016) and El beso (2017). Her book ¡Eureka! Lo encontré (2014), cowritten with the renowned Mexican scientist Julia Tagüeña, was published by the National Council for the Arts in Mexico. Her book of Japanese poetry for kids, Música de Ranas, Haiku para niños, cowritten with Monserrat Loyde, was selected for publication by the Ministry of Culture in Mexico. Her upcoming book Mi dinosaurio favorito will appear in the Feria Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (FILIJ). Since 2019 she lives in Mexico City with her husband, her daughter and her son, her favorite place and her three favorite persons in the whole world.

Image copyright: PHYang Photography